You're a bfd, it's time to get paid like it


For so long you've checked the boxes, you've chased sales, you've tried to say the right things to get your people to buy. But it's never felt enough. You've been waiting on your audience to become a community that loves to pay you, but every sale feels like a miracle.


You've got it all backwards.


You move first. 
You've been waiting for your audience to bring the momentum, the always buying, the results.  But you bring that dynamic to them, not the other way around.
When you speak as the woman who's paid all the time, you receive as her.  When you lead, write, sell, get off your phone & live your life expecting your audience to move, they move.  


It's time to build the identity of a leader who's audience loves to buy. Because when you become her, you get paid as her.


Pursued: More inquiries than ever in just 4 weeks

My most requested download 

Leadership is a byproduct of sales.  So stop chasing sales & start leading better with Pursued. 


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Community is intimacy.

 Are you ready to let your people in? Let them see you, feel you, know you, judge you? 

Because that's what "having a community that loves to pay you" actually means.  

It's time to tear down the walls you built to protect yourself.

The impact you want to have, the sales you want, the life of freedom & luxury, it comes from allowing in intimacy. 


Every $10K accelerator or 7 figure strategy masterclass you've ever bought will fall short when you're blocking clients from paying you & "getting too close" It's time to let them in.


Dying to know how to sell & scale the Feminine Energy Sales way? 


Check out Fiercely Femme, the most unfiltered podcast on the market. It's fresh, raw, real, & absolutely zero fluff.

It’s the lurker-friendly way to start building an unshakable identity, cultivate community, & become the 6 figure leader you want to be.



Ways to Work with Me


My membership style mastermind think:

Step into your bombshell identity, blow up online, & double, triple, 7x your income, & sign clients everyday WITHOUT: being glued to your phone, 101 zoom calls a week or drowning in client work, or even feeling like you have to be "on" all the time.  None of that here.

The vibe: intimate.  Month to month, no contract. Explosive growth through identity work. And going from pretty good sales to daily clients. 


You know my style: unshakable confidence, speaking directly to people who want what you sell, no convincing just inviting, creating everything you want & accepting nothing less ever again.  

That's Iconic. 


Freedom Revolution

My signature feminine sales program. You stay until you make $5K.

I built this program for every woman who's gone to offer after offer & still finds herself struggling with sales. That ends today.

Freedom Revolution is a global movement where you don't get coached for 6 months or 12, no.  You stay until you make $5K. 

You won't walk away empty handed ever again.  Here you'll master sales & you won't stop getting coached until you do.

This is my signature program and there’s a reason. No one does it better than I do.

-Exclusive access to our private client podcast (coaching call replays)

-M-F coaching in Slack

-4 live coaching calls/month with your Freedom Community (Tues. 7pm EST & Thurs. 1pm EST)

-A binge worthy curriculum (think 30+ trainings on sales, confidence, offers, pricing, content, & so much more)

$3500 pif or as low as $156/m with Klarna


1:1 Voxer Day

When you just need tough love, a kick in the butt, a sounding board, & some sales queen energy - THIS is where you go. 

This is where you come get coached, step into a new identity, see what FES is all about, & get a taste for how Bri coaches. 

Bri replies 10-8 EST as needed with mentorship, coaching, insight, & steps to execute.  You'll receive an email after your Voxer day with actions steps & a run down of what was discussed. 

You'll walk away unstuck, re-inspired, & full of clarity. 

This is the perfect place to get Bri's eyes on your messaging, turn around a sales slump by shifting your energy, or get brutal honesty on all things: offers, pricing, leadership, & marketing.

A Voxer 1:1 Day is perfect for you if you're looking to finally execute all those things you already know, clean up any unhelpful thoughts like "my audience can't afford me," & start making sales FLOW.


It's one payment of $97. After you purchase Team FES will reach out to schedule your Voxer day on our next available weekday. 


Reclamation Société

Change who you're being with money & change your bank account.  This membership style community is where you build an identity of wealth & heal your relationship with money for good.  







My free training on how I blew up online & 5x-ed my sales

You're ready to... 

Ditch the lie that you can only sell one thing at a time & build an ecosystem of sales where you're being paid all.the.time.

Explode online through your bombshell identity.

Leave behind the endless zoom calls & mountain of DFY work & create wide open calendar space with new offers. 

Fall in love with launching & sign more clients than ever all the time. 

Blow up online, become non stop paid, & be your audience's first choice. 

BOMBSHELL is everything I know & the inner work I did to get here.  I know you'll love it. 



If you're looking for someone to support you and your business growth with sales. Bri is an excellent coach. But if you're looking for someone who will not only support you with sales but also dive deep into your mindset, confidence, and limiting beliefs, Bri is absolutely the coach for you! Compared to other coaches, I never felt like Bri was giving me a repeatable framework to follow. Bri really took the time to get to know me, my strengths and weaknesses and tailored her coaching to fit my unique circumstances, needs and desires.

Client N. 

Client T.

How authentic, and real Bri is, is what helped me to feel very safe and supported... and helped me to open up as I may not normally had done. The one on one relationship is really the driving factor.. being able to get that time spent to ask questions, dive deep.. and learn from my mistakes or challenges is huge.

Bri is so relatable and has been through it all. She uses her experiences to build up women around her, and I so appreciate how endlessly supportive she is of my hopes and dreams. She has built her business into the badass feminine energy coach that she is and I’ve seen her work so hard on herself to find her true voice. I knew that she would coach me with that same ferocity and vision of abundance with which she has pursued her own business.

Client A.

The Shift: Messaging & Leadership Masterclass

How many times have you stared at your notes app, having no clue what to say to your people? Too many times I can tell you that.


I know you think content just comes naturally to some people like an innate skill they just have.  Maybe for some people it is.  But for me, content was anything but natural.  And when I looked for someone teaching content it was all scripts, templates, & cookie cutter prompts.  No one was teaching how to think like a leader, speak like one, get in your people's heads, & write posts that invite them to move. So for the first 3 years of my business, I built these skills all on my own & to my surprise, became known for my content.


The Shift is taking 3 years of my journey with content & handing it to you in 90 minutes. It's your content evolution.  It's not a script or a content calendar, it's teaching you how to lead your people, how to think about them, how to melt away your sales shame, & have "hell yes" clients rolling in.  


Frankly it's the best messaging masterclass out there & the best $27 you'll spend. Grab it & dig in.

What I'm Saying About My Clients

A love letter...


My clients are truly my favorite humans. 

They have big dreams & bigger hearts. 

And what pains me the most is most of them come to me broken.  They’ve pushed themselves so hard for so long, they’re burnt out, defeated, & feel like they’ve tried it all. 

And I hate that they come to me in this place, but I love that I was able to tell them my story. 

Because not long ago, I was right where they are: sales-less. 

And I love getting to tell them what’s possible.  

I love telling them how I believe in them. 

How their perceived failures don’t define them. 

And how their sales story can change OVERNIGHT. 

I know people have told them LIES.  Lies like: “you just need to do more”, or “you just have to be more consistent” or my LEAST favorite, “jUsT dEciDe.” And those lies broke them.  Paying tens of thousands to someone who really doesn’t SEE them, broke them.  And trying everything with little to no results, broke them. 

But I still see them, believe in them, & know another way they haven’t tried: the feminine way. 

And being able to offer my story & the stories of dozens of women around the globe who changed their LIFE through Feminine Energy Sales, that brings tears to my eyes.  

Feminine Energy Sales is sales that WORKS, even when nothing else has.

If you think you’ve tried it all please know, there’s another way. 

I see you, I believe in you, & I would love to be your coach. 

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